Robert Frey

Senior Financial Planner

Prior to joining Facet, I worked at Vanguard from August 2015 until January 2024, mainly specializing in working with High Net Worth clients as a Senior Financial Advisor. I am passionate about serving as a fiduciary and helping clients reach their financial goals.

Outside work, I enjoy spending time with my wife, Rachel, and our two dogs, Scarlet and Hunter. I also love to cook and ski.

Education: Queens University of Charlotte (MBA), The Ohio State University (BS)

"Don't look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack." - John C. Bogle

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Get to know Robert

My wife, Rachel, and me

My wife, Rachel, and me

My first time skydiving

Our dogs Scarlet and Hunter

What book, movie, music, etc. changed your outlook on life?

The Pursuit of Happyness by Chris Gardner

What hobby or interest do you wish you could get more people into?


What’s the top destination on your must-visit list?

Sicily, Italy. A lot of my family is from there and I still have some cousins that live there. I’d love to see the small town my grandmother was born in.

If you could have any skill in the world, what would it be?

Speaking a second language