Financial planning for the life you want.
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Feel confident you’re making the right money decisions.
With Facet’s flat-fee membership, you’ll get unbiased advice you can trust. We’ll create a personalized financial roadmap tailored to all aspects of your life, not just retirement.
Finally, financial planning that’s
for every facet of life.
Unbiased advice you can trust
Guidance from a CFP® professional at a simple flat fee.
- Financial planning from fiduciaries.
- We never take commissions, so no surprises.
- Your flat fee won’t change even as your money grows.
Personalized for you
A financial roadmap designed just for you.
- It guides your way and adapts as your life changes.
- Guided steps, regular check-ins, and messaging keep you on track.
- Your own secure dashboard to track your money and see your progress.
Planning for all facets of your life
Big-picture planning that gets you and your goals.
- More than retirement, your membership covers a full range of planning.
- Big goals, like investments, saving for a home, a car, and school.
- Smaller goals too, like trips, regular nights out, and tax planning.
Let’s update your roadmap and see how soon we can get you into a new home!

I would like to sell my condo and move into a house, what is my best path forward?

“Facet’s bespoke approach to financial planning allows it to serve as a resource for nearly any financial decision you face, from employee benefits and the tax impact of stock option plans to retirement investments and evaluating insurance needs. The fee you pay is based on the level of service required and the complexity of your financial situation.”
*Nerdwallet review conducted in October of 2024 based on the time frame of August – October 2024. Nerdwallet’s independent assessment includes data collection, interviews and testing which results in star ratings from poor (one star) to excellent (five stars). Nerdwallet was not paid for this review however does receive compensation based on referrals.
Meet some of the people we’ve helped along the way.
See how Facet helps 20,000+ members turn their goals into reality.
Real Facet member
“Before Facet it almost felt like I worked for my money and now my money works for me.”
Greater financial security allows her to pursue her passions for philanthropy and charity.
Real Facet member
“With Facet, its been such a relief for me that I want to tell everyone and get everyone on board.”
Has less anxiety around money and was able to travel for the first time.
Testimonials were provided by current members of Facet (“Facet Wealth, Inc.”). Members have not been paid for their testimonial and there are no material conflicts of interest that would affect the given testimonials. These testimonials may not be representative of the experiences of other members, and do not provide a guarantee of future performance success or similar services.
We’re here for all of life’s moments — big and small.
(It’s more than just retirement. Much more.)
New baby on the way
Susan & Vi, mid 30’s
- Have the right amount saved in an emergency fund so they’re prepared for life’s surprises.
- Have a solid handle on their cashflow and debt to balance life’s multiple financial priorities.
Save for college fund
Shante, late 30’s
- Started their education savings plan early so their money has more time to grow through investing and compound interest.
- Received guidance on 529 plans and exactly how much to save every month.
Buy the dream home
Bianca & Manuel, early 40’s
- Kicked off a down payment savings plan for their forever home.
- Worked with their planner to determine the right homeowners insurance.
Finally take a vacation
Jill, late 40’s
- Paid down debts to finally take the guilt-free vacation she’s been waiting for.
- Her personalized financial roadmap includes at least one vacation a year.
Early retirement
Vanessa & Tom, early 50’s
- Started planning their ideal retirement scenario with their CFP® professional early to minimize taxes and have the spending money they wanted.
- When their life, needs, or goals change, their roadmap gets an update.
Not current members, for illustrative purposes only.
Hear from industry experts.
Ramit Sethi
Host of Netflix’s “How To Get Rich” & Host of the I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast
“Facet recognized what was wrong with the AUM Model and did something about it. They’re making financial advice accessible to everybody.”
Tyler Gardner
Former Portfolio Manager, 20+ Years in Professional Education
Ramit and Tyler are not members of Facet and they have an incentive to endorse Facet as they receive cash compensation based on this endorsement. All opinions are their own and not a guarantee of a similar outcome.
Helping you with all your life goals, and everything your money touches.
- Goal-aligned investment strategy
- Risk assessment
- Tax loss harvesting
- Employer plan portfolio guidance (401k, HSA, etc.)
Retirement & life
- Goal and income assessment
- Savings and investment planning
- Tax-advantaged contributions & withdrawals
- Ongoing planning pre and post-retirement
Tax planning*
- Tax reduction strategy
- Tax-efficient education savings
- Last year’s tax return missed opportunity analysis
- Personalized Roth conversion & more
Estate planning**
- Estate planning education and guidance
- Full suite of state-optimized documents
- Last will & testament
Equity compensation*
- Equity award planning (optimal exercise & tax plan)
- Company stock plan guidance (RSUs, ISOs, etc.)
- Annual access to equity comp specialist
Family planning
- Having a baby
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Caring for aging parents
- Making a big purchase
Insurance planning
- Identify coverage gaps
- Annual review with recommendations
- Employer-sponsored insurance support (health, life, etc.)
Education planning
- Savings and funding strategies
- Financial aid guidance
- Loan payoff strategies
Employee Benefits*
- Grow with your career
- 401(k)s, IRAs, profit-sharing, ESOPs, and more
- Health, disability, life insurance and more
*Facet’s services vary depending upon the chosen service level.
**Estate Planning services provided by, the fee is non-refundable and covers their services. Facet is not an attorney and does not provide tax or legal advice or directly prepare legal documents. Tax laws and regulations are complex and subject to change. Consult with an attorney or tax professional regarding your specific situation. is a separate membership service that automatically renews for Complete members as part of your Facet membership renewal. For Core and Plus members, automatically renews for a $300 annual fee unless this service is canceled prior to renewal.
The life you want starts now. See how good it can get with Facet as your financial guide.