About  >  Brent's founder story

Brent Weiss - Head of Financial Wellness & Co-Founder

My grandfather worked into his 80s. He never had a retirement. He worked hard to make sure his children and grandchildren had better lives and opportunities. No one should have to sacrifice their own retirement, and financial wellness, to make sure their family is OK.

My grandparents could never find an advisor early in life because they had no assets. When they finally had a little money to invest, they put their life’s savings in the hands of an “advisor”. My grandmother was a cancer survivor and the advisor convinced her to buy stock in a company that was going to find the cure. She lost every penny. He still made a fat commission.

I became a financial planner to fight for families like mine. What I found was a broken industry. There were misaligned incentives everywhere. Chasing new business was placed ahead of client outcomes. The quality of advice was poor. The costs were too high. And tens of millions of people lacked access. Everyday Americans deserve better.

And that’s when I was introduced to Anders and Patrick.

“We shared a vision of a different kind of financial planning firm: one that gave millions of people access to the kind of financial advice that we believe is essential to living well.”

I met Anders for what was supposed to be an informal, 30-minute conversation, over coffee. Five hours later, we were still sitting in a small Baltimore cafe. We shared a vision of a different kind of financial planning firm: one that gave millions of people access to the kind of financial advice that we believe is essential to living well.

That vision is who Facet is, and who we’ll always be. I wish my grandfather was here to see it.

Anders Jones

CEO & Co-Founder

Patrick McKenna

Executive Chairman & Co-Founder