Ally Eslinger

Financial Planner

Ally is a CFP® professional, originally from the great state of Wisconsin. Ally is extremely passionate about helping others reach their financial goals through holistic financial planning. She strives to encourage her members to dream bigger and live lives they never thought possible.

Outside of work, you can find her spending time with her friends and family, traveling, or rooting for the Bucks.

Education: University of Wisconsin – Madison (BS) in Financial Planning

“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.” – Dolly Parton

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Get to know Ally

A trip to wine country in California with my partner

My sister’s college graduation

My sassy corgi, Bilbo

An irresistible photo op in my current city

What’s the top destination on your must-visit list?

New Zealand

What's the best meal you ever had?

“The Treatment” at Fin & Fino – that Charlotte, NC restaurant is one of the best places I’ve been to. I still think about the monkfish and scallops and it has been years.

If you could have any skill in the world, what would it be?

To get tickets to every show and concert I want to see

Who do you consider your Inspiring Guide and why?

My sister – she is on her way to becoming a fully fledged pilot. Her hard work and dedication to her career inspire me to perform better everyday.